Women's Outback Camel Trek (2)
(Ex Adelaide) South Australia - Sat 10th August 2024

Max Participants:
(Ex Adelaide) South Australia
Sat 10th August 2024
Start Time:
End Time:
5:00pm approx
9 Days
8 Dinners 8 Breakfasts 7 Lunches
Non-Member Cost:
$3595.00 per person
Member Cost:
$3495.00 per person
Deposit Required:
camel trek

Camel trekking in Outback South Australia ... The ultimate adventure!  No geographical goal, no phone range or internet, no vehicle support, no summits, no base camp ....pure and simple exploration of our 'country'


Once again, we're heading remote, escaping the modern world for a while and what better way, than on a mode of transport that became outdated almost a century ago.  With camels as our travelling companions, carrying all our food, water and swags on a traditional packsaddle, we walk alongside them and take time to immerse ourselves in the beauty and surrounds of this wild part of Australia. This style of trekking has been said to resemble a meditative experience, having no need to cast our minds ahead, nor strive for an end goal.  Completely uncluttered, a sense of isolation, a feeling of freedom, with the only tracks being ours ... and those of the camels.


Our Cameleers are the best in the business, they and their camels played a part in the book and movie "Tracks" .... they will share their story with you around the campfire! 


Our Cameleers Ryan & Nat were involved in the making of 'Tracks'
I'm tired now zzzzz
Feeding the Camels
Raw, Rugged, Outback
Campfire Stories
One of our girls getting to know these guys
Our Gutsy Cameleers
All for One, One for All
This is our Route, Onwards!
Stopping for a snack!
Our Cameleers & AW Host


Please note map locations and route are approximate only


● Sleeping under the stars & stargazing

● The simplicity - A complete digital detox

● Trekking in the ancient rugged landscape of the Flinders Ranges

● Exploring outback country under the guidance of our Cameleers, who between them have a vast knowledge of ornithology, botany, geology, zoology and astronomy.

● Our Cameleers have history - they were involved in the movie "Tracks" & they'll share their story with you


Our Adventurous Women â„¢ Host will meet with the group at Adelaide Central Bus Station at 8.15am for a 8.30am departure to Blinman. The journey takes around 7 hours passing through quaint villages Quorn and Hawker and stopping regularly for breaks and lunch. We arrive at Blinman later in the afternoon where we meet with our Cameleer's. The first evening will be spent getting to know our team of camels and includes a safety briefing. Swags will be provided and a swag tutorial will be given, prior to relaxing and enjoying our campfire dinner together.

Meals: Dinner

Accommodation: Swags

In the morning breakfast will be laid out and swags rolled. The camels are loaded after breakfast and the trek departs.

Loading for the first time on a trek appears hectic; loading times will decrease as everyone becomes more confident with the camels and gear.

Assistance will be required with the loading and unloading of the camels each day, we only ask that each person helps to their own capabilities. Once the camels are loaded the trek departs.

At lunch time we pull up, boil the billy and eat. We continue to walk for a couple of hours after lunch then find a suitable camp for the night. We aim to travel between 10km and 20km per day (this is flexible and will also depend on camels and individual trekker abilities) allowing plenty of time to take in the surroundings.

Fire wood is collected and dinner prepared. Day 3 to 7 (9th August – 13th August): Follows the same routine as day 2

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Accommodation: Swags

Follows the same routine as day 2

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Accommodation: Swags

Follows the same routine as day 2

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Follows the same routine as day 2

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Accommodation: Swags

Follows the same routine as day 2

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Accommodation: Swags

Follows the same routine as day 2

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Accommodation: Swags

The camels will be loaded in the morning; we will walk in to Blinman reaching our final destination by lunchtime. Camels are unloaded and gear unpacked. Lunch is eaten before our transport arrives for transfer to Blinman where are accommodated for the evening.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Accommodation: Hotel - Blinman

After breakfast at around 8.00am we depart for our trip back to Adelaide, arriving in Adelaide late afternoon.

Meals: Breakfast


Two professional Cameleers

One Adventurous Women Host

Transport To/From Adelaide with local Tour Operator

All Meals as stated in itinerary (additional snacks not included)

Comfy Dome Style Swag (1 per person)

1 Night Hotel Accommodation (including Dinner & Breakfast)

8 Dinners

8 Breakfasts

7 Lunches


Pre/Post Tour accommodation in Adelaide

Flights To/From Adelaide

Items of a personal nature

Alcoholic drinks

Snacks (Trailmix, Lollies)


8 Nights - A Swag will be supplied (canvas bed roll) that contains a mattress. It is necessary that you supply your own sleeping bag, one that is suited to the conditions (desert gets very cold at night) Your sleeping bag will be rolled in your swag each day. You may also choose to bring a small camping or yoga mat to use under the swag mattress for extra padding & warmth, which can also be rolled in the swag during the day.

1 Night - Hotel, Blinman (Twin Share from another lady in the group).

What To Bring/Wear

- Pre-Departure Information will be provided on booking to help you plan/prepare

More Information


A Typical Day on the Camel Trek:

Mornings start around sunrise with the fire being lit, the billy put on and breakfast eaten around the fire. While this is happening the camels will be let off for some breakfast and we will begin packing up the camp.Once this is complete the camels are brought in and loading begins. When the camels are loaded we set off for the day, this will usually be somewhere between 8.30am and 10.00am.

We walk until lunch time briefly stopping and looking at any points of interest along the way (animals, old mines, plants, rocks etc.). At lunch we sit the camels down for 30-60 mins, have lunch and boil the billy, then resume walking until somewhere around 3.30pm or when a suitable camp can be found. The chosen campsite revolves around camel feed, as the camels must feed through the night; we choose a camp with good feed.

Upon reaching our camp for the night, the camels are unloaded. This is a relatively quick process as gravity is on our side and with everyone helping unloading can be completed within minutes. The camels go to feed for a couple of hours before being put to bed for the night. During this time the billy will be put on and the evening meal prepared over the fire. Help with fire wood collection is greatly appreciated.

During the afternoons you are free to do as you like (read, relax, or assist in any way you choose around camp or with the camels) Evenings are a good time for bird watching. Dinner will usually be served just after dark when we can sit around the fire, chat or star gaze before retiring to a comfy swag.


About the Walking/Trek Route:

The trek departs from a property in Blinman within the Northern Flinders Ranges and passes on to neighbouring Angorichina Station.

The trek will pass through towering gorges, winding gum lined creeks and through natural springs. The trek route will depend upon a number of factors including individual trekkers walking ability, terrain conditions, topography, the weather and the availability of camel feed among a few. As we carry all of our supplies for the entire trek, the walking route can be altered at any time to accommodate all of our needs.

The terrain the trek will pass through varies greatly. There will be sections of creek bed walking, bush walking cross country and walking along station tracks. There will be rocky hills; we try to avoid very steep hills with the camels. The trek requires a moderate fitness level for all trekkers. We travel between 10km and 20km per day, with our lead camel averaging about 3.5km per hour. The camel train speed depends upon terrain, travelling slower through highly vegetated or steep areas and faster over flat plains.

Example of Food Supplied while on the Camel Trek:

Breakfast- cereal, fruit, tea or coffee

Lunch- sandwiches (meats and salads) fruit cake, tea or coffee

Dinner- Moroccan couscous with chicken and jacket potatoes

Dessert- Rice cream and fruit, tea or coffee

A piece of fruit is provided in the morning that can be eaten through the day. Please note: snacks are not provided, if you are used to walking with muesli bars, hydrolite, lollies, please bring them along.

Water - A precious resource

Water is a precious resource during camel treks. The camels carry all of the water for the trek therefore there is not an endless supply. All the water on the trek is for drinking, there is no water available for washing/showering. Waterless hand sanitiser is provided before meal time to sanitise hands. After meals, kitchen roll is provided to clean plates. For personal hygiene it is recommended to bring along wet wipes/ face wipes to freshen up with.


Please ensure you read our No Princess Policy before signing up for this adventure to ensure it's right for you!

No Princess Policy

Princess crossed out

This tour by it's very nature is not designed for the 5 Star Traveller. It is for the girl who has an 'adventurous spirit' and is looking for a unique and rewarding 'experience' (Once in a Lifetime)!  You should be able to adopt a "Go With The Flow" attitude, after-all we're remote and in the Outback .....there are no toilets, nor showers!! 


Please ensure you read what is involved before signing up ... While this is not a 'hardcore' hiking experience (the trekking component is moderate), you could be challenged in many other ways, ie: using a trowel to dig/toilet and not showering for seven days, loading up the camels every day with bags, camp gear etc, the weather. If you're up for the challenge and can maintain a positive mental attitude, you will be rewarded with the most amazing, uplifting, learning,... and unique experiences of your life... a true adventure!!


Cancellation & Refunds

Notice of cancellation must be in writing, with an email as an acceptable form of communication, directly to Adventurous Women with the following conditions:

  • 60 days plus prior to trip departure - Refund of Deposit minus $100 booking fee (Full refund of your deposit if Adventurous Women or our Operator's are not able to run this tour due to restrictions imposed surrounding COVID-19)
  • 59 - 30 days prior to trip departure - 50% Of The Tour Cost
  • 29 - 15 days prior to trip departure - 75% Of The Tour Cost
  • Within 14 days of the trip departure - 100% Of The Tour Cost

No refund is available after departure of a tour has commenced.

Update 19th September 2019 - ** Due to PayPal changing their policy to now retain fees even when we issue a refund we will be forced to pass this along. This means both partial and full refunds will be less the full fee charged by PayPal

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