The course is conducted near Chidlow, one hour’s drive from Perth in the Hills and starts Friday 4.00pm, finishing Sunday afternoon around 4.00pm.
You will have 2 nights bush camping with a campfire classroom set up for all those interested in learning or honing their basic/advanced survival knowledge on how to have a safer or more adventurous wilderness experience, and of course what to do when ‘Plan A’ is not going the way you intended it to.
Many irrational fears cloud people’s engagement with our wilderness – even in the bushlands of suburbia. The fear of snakes, spiders, becoming lost and being alone are all acquired fears. Survival skills can replace fear with respect for, and trust in, nature. Such knowledge enables people to walk freely and feel safer in our natural environment. As a society we need to recapture the survival skills and empathy with nature which our ancestors instinctively knew. True appreciation and understanding of our natural environment may be the only factor that saves it, and, on occasions, us. This course is a contribution to this necessary new awareness.
Subjects covered include:
Psychology of survival
Water procurement techniques
Alternative fire-lighting methods
Edible and medicinal plants
Avoiding poisoning by toxic vegetation
Stellar and solar navigation
Modern and traditional survival skills
Snake awareness
Useful and harmful sea coast creatures
Day and night signals
Plus many more useful lessons to make your outings safer.
For over 30 years Bob has honed his survival skills by learning from many traditional cultures. His experiences include living for extended periods with Aboriginal people in our Western Desert, sharing bushcraft abilities with the Bushmen of the Kalahari in Botswana also with the Lakota Sioux Indians in Dakota and jungle time with the Orang Asli people in Malaysia.
His roles have included instructing the Special Forces Units, conducting survival courses throughout Australia, lecturing with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Service on survival in the Mexican Desert and delivering wilderness lessons in the UK.Bob has also organised many projects throughout Australia, from social adventures with movie stars and other international celebrities to personal development courses for Youth at Risk.
In 2000 National Geographic America filmed Bob conducting his advanced survival courses in the television series True Survivors which featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show. More recently he has participated in two documentaries with the BBC in the UK and a segment on 60 Minutes in Australia.Bob’s long term commitment to protecting and enhancing the enjoyment of people venturing or working in the Australian bush, won his Outback Safety and Survival Course the prestigious Excellence in Safety Training Award, from the State chapter of the Safety Institute of Australia in 1996.
Over the years Bob has witnessed the fear of death during land, sea and air mishaps where a potentially fatal outcome, for himself or others, was real. Survival skills can replace fear with respect for, and trust in, nature. Such knowledge enables people to walk freely and be nurtured by the "soul food†of the natural environment.Many irrational fears cloud people’s engagement with the outback - and even with natural habitats in suburbia. Fear of snakes, spiders, being lost or alone are acquired fears. Knowledge is the key to dispelling them.
As a society we need to recapture the survival skills and empathy with nature which our ancestors instinctively knew. True appreciation of our natural environment may be the only factor that saves it and, on occasions, us.Teaching is Bob’s contribution to this necessary new awareness.
All meals and accommodation fees on the weekend are included
Your own Bob Cooper Survival Kit, Snake Bite Treatment Kit and Survival Blanket
On successful completion of the course, you will be presented with the Outback Survival Certificate.
Detailed joining instructions will be sent to all participants prior to the course commencing.
Minimum age 14 years. Minors to be accompanied by a parent/guardian
Notice of cancellation must be in writing, with an email as an acceptable form of communication, directly to Adventurous Women with the following conditions:
No refund is available after departure of a tour has commenced.